A Spicy Journey to Obtain the EB-1C Visa

With our assistance, our client’s EB-1c visa was approved within 9 months, highlighting their exceptional skills and the company’s commitment to their managerial role!


The EB-1C visa is a category of visa designed for multinational executives or managers who wish to relocate to the United States to continue their employment with an affiliated company or organization. This visa is part of the employment-based immigration program and requires the applicant to demonstrate their executive or managerial role, as well as their eligibility through specific criteria. The EB-1C visa offers a pathway for talented individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to the U.S. economy while pursuing permanent residency in the country.

The Case

Our client was going to be employed in the Executive position of Vice President of Sales and Marketing for a specialized commercial organization that wholesales spices and food ingredients. He had previously entered the U.S. on an E-2 visa, and since then has worked his way up to a position that is essential to the efficient operation of the enterprise. The VisaNation team was able to demonstrate how our client’s unique set of skills was imperative to the business goals and met the qualifications for the EB-1C classification. 

We provided ample evidence, pursuant to INA 101(a)(44)(B), proving that our client:

  • Directs the management of the organization or a major component or function of the organization;
  • Establishes the goals and policies of the organization, component, or function;
  • Exercises wide latitude in discretionary decision-making;
  • Receives only general supervision or direction from higher-level executives, the board of directors or stockholders

As we included in our submission file to USCIS, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing position was considered paramount to developing, organizing and coordinating the sales operation of the spice business, as demonstrated by a letter from the President of the spice company. 

Another requirement was that there needed to be a qualifying organization associated with a qualifying relationship of a parent, branch, affiliate, or subsidiary. A parent meant a legal entity that had subsidiaries and then a subsidiary meant a legal entity in which a parent owned some part of the business. The spice organization was a qualified organization in the U.S. associated with the parent company in the Netherlands. The company was set to manage the existing U.S. and North American marketing operations of the parent company. We submitted a range of evidence to USCIS to bolster our case including an outline of the corporate structure, bylaws of employers, proof of global presence and other documents.

The Verdict

The company relied on our client’s expertise in product sales and marketing with wholesale spices and food ingredients to ignite commercial operations, maintain liaison, negotiate contracts, and establish sound marketing strategies. Our client played a crucial role in the company’s industry and had been working for the company for many years. Our client’s journey toward obtaining an EB-1c visa was nothing short of remarkable. His EB-1 visa was approved within 9 months! 

eb1c case timelineAnother VisaNation Law Group Success Story

Cases like this really exemplify how committed and passionate our team is about getting our clients results! We will take great care of your case from start to finish. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.